Chicken And Dirty Rice Was Meant For One Pot Cooking

There has been an increasing trend in the food world to create recipes that only use one pot cooking methods.

It makes sense if you think about it. People love using their crock pots aka slow cookers as often as they can. The idea of taking ingredients, dumping them into a pot turning up the heat and letting the ingredients fend for themselves is ideal in today’s busy world.

As wonderful as slow cookers may be, it’s nice to cook things from time to time in an actual pot or pan. Call me crazy, but this makes me feel like I am actually cooking and the one in control.

That’s why one pot cooking recipes have started to become so popular and why you are starting to see more and more of these video recipes taking over your Facebook feed.

Head on over to the next page and find out why this amazing chicken and dirty rice was meant for one pot cooking and get the recipe.


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