Apple Season Is Here, Time To Make Some Fritters

Fall is that wonderful time of year where the air begins to chill just enough to get you in the kitchen and firing up the oven. It’s warm enough where you do not need to turn on your heater but cool enough to where the baking season begins.

As it so happens, fall is apple season. You may have noticed an abundance of apples at your grocery store along with prices being super low. Fall marks the perfect time of the year to put those bountiful apples to good use.

If purchasing apples at the grocery store aren’t your thing and you prefer buying your fruits and veggies at the local farmers market knock yourself out. You could also take the path less traveled and find a local farm that allows you to pick your own apples. Apple picking is a lot of fun and then you can bring home your freshly picked apples to make these incredible fritters.

What kind of fritters are we making? Head over to the next page for the full recipe and find out what kind of fritters you will get the chance to make.


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