A Soft And Fluffy Cake With Coffee And Chestnuts, But Is It Gluten Free?

If there ever was a cake recipe you should try to make, it’s this one. Sure we feature tons of recipes for various desserts, pies, tarts, and cakes but this one really takes the cake (pun intended).

This cake is like a cross between a chocolate chestnut tiramisu with coffee and rum. All flavors that blend incredibly well with one another. You might think all of these flavors are excessive in one recipe but they are not.

To answer your burning question which was posed in the title.  Yes, this cake is gluten free. When lusting over cake and your eyes glance at this cake you think, “there is no way that cake is gluten free”, it can’t be!”

Click on the next page to obtain the list of ingredients and recipe instructions to make this incredible cake and find out how it was made gluten free.


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