A Little Kale Carbonara Goes A Long Way

I am a firm believer that vegetables should be a large part of your daily nutrition. Don’t worry I’am not trying to scold you the way your parents did. I am not saying you need to ditch the meat and convert to a life of only eating veggies. Quite the opposite. Having a hardy portion of veggies next to a glistening pile of meat further rounds out your meal. Check out the recipe below for a really tasty Kale that includes bacon!


4-6 slices bacon, chopped
1 bunch kale, ribs discarded (if tough) & leaves sliced into ribbons
1-2 cloves garlic
4 tablespoons cream
2 large handfuls grated parmesan + extra to serve


1. Heat a little olive oil in a frying pan and cook bacon on a medium high heat until well browned.

2. Remove bacon from the pan and add the kale and garlic. Cover and cook, stirring every few minutes until the kale is wilted and deep green in color. It will take about 5-10 minutes. If it starts to burn, add a splash of water to help generate some steam.

3. Return bacon to the pan and add cream. Stir over the heat to warm through then remove from the heat and add the cheese.

4. Divide between two plates and serve with extra cheese if you like.

Recipe source: The Stone Soup

Photo source: @kayla_renee225

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