A Hankering For BBQ And Cheese Grits

Sometimes you just wake up an have a hankering for BBQ and cheese grits. Wait, this doesn’t happen to you? Weird. I had trouble sleeping last night and then I was woken up in the middle of the night thanks to an earthquake.

I am not speaking metaphorically, it was a literal earthquake.

For those of you unfamiliar with living in California, sure the weather can be great but sometimes you feel the devil has possessed your bed only to wake up noticing your entire house is moving.

Pardon my ADD. I was somewhere in my sleeplessness and waiting for the aftershock of the quake that I lay in bed thinking of Texas which lead to thinking of BBQ, which lead to this post.

I did what any sound hungry foodie would do and turned to the internet to find various recipes and I found a BBQ pork recipe served over a bed of cheese grits. [nextpagelink][/nextpagelink]

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